The Babies HQ

Traveling with an Infant

How often do you hear parents say “I guess we will have to wait till the kids grow up”. That is definitely not the case. By the time you wait for the kids to be old enough, you would have missed out on many opportunities  and memories you could have shared together. 

That is why we are on a mission to share advice for new moms and our travel experiences to empower you to take that next family vacation you always wanted.

With some planning ahead of time, flying with an infant is not only manageable, it is fun. We aim to share the best tips for new parents and all our travel experiences with you to equip you with all the knowledge and know hows when flying with an infant.

Why You Should Consider Traveling with an Infant?

Being a new parent can be daunting, let alone traveling with an infant. Let me tell you I felt the same initially, but realized that with a little bit of forward planning and organizing, your whole journey becomes easier. 

From my experience, the first three months of being a new mom is the most challenging, that is because everything is new, we are learning everything about our baby and they are doing the same too. 

We start getting sleepless nights, we get anxious because we can’t hear our baby breathing and we stay awake looking at them to make sure they are ok. All the funny things we do as first time moms!

Generally after 12 weeks, mom and baby start to get into a routine and things settle down a little. If you are thinking about flying with an infant, 3-9 months old is the best time to fly with them. Trust me, this alone is the best tip for first time parents.

This is because their routine is pretty set, mainly feeding, playing and sleeping. They are also small enough to fit in the airlines bassinet and not mobile yet so we do not have to worry about them trying to sit and crawl out of the bassinet during the flight.

Traveling with an infant is great. It is easy to transport them around in a carrier and they weigh minimal. Most likely they would be exclusively breastfed, formula fed or a mixture of the two. 

That takes away the headache of what food to prepare, what utensils and what containers to bring for travel.

That is why it is the best time traveling with an infant. There are less things to worry and plan for. You can literally just go, almost!

Is Traveling with a Newborn by Plane Easy?

The key to successful travel with a baby is planning ahead. That means doing research about where you’re going and what activities are available for those traveling with infants. 

This information will help you plan out the packing process and make sure that you have all of the supplies your infant needs while away from home. It will also help ensure that any accommodations or transportation needs are taken care of in advance.

Try not to leave anything until the last minute—this includes booking flights, reserving hotels rooms or rental cars, and making sure all of your documents are up-to-date prior to departure. 

Doing this will help reduce stress levels when traveling with an infant since everything is taken care of before leaving home. 

Additionally double check airline policies regarding bringing infants onboard; some airlines may request proof of age or have specific regulations about carrying car seats/strollers onto the plane itself. 

Being aware of these rules beforehand will help make sure there won’t be any surprises once you arrive at the gate!

When packing for a trip, it can be tempting to bring everything with you—but resist that urge! When traveling with an infant, try to stick to the basics: diapers, wipes, formula or breastmilk (depending on your situation), clothing, blankets, toys etc. 

If there’s something they need while away from home that you didn’t pack, chances are it can be picked up at your destination or along the way.  

Additionally, make sure that all of these items fit easily into one bag so that carrying them isn’t too cumbersome while traveling.

Traveling with an infant isn’t always easy – but it can definitely still be enjoyable! With some smart planning and good packing habits, moms can successfully take their babies on trips without losing their cool. 

By doing research in advance, sticking to basics when packing, and maintaining their routines as much as possible while away from home—moms can confidently hit the road with their little ones!

Is it Free Traveling with an Infant?

The short answer is yes. According to most airlines, children under two years old are usually allowed to travel in their parents’ laps at no extra charge (there are exceptions, such as Southwest Airlines). This means that you don’t have to purchase an additional seat for your child or pay any extra fees for them. 

However, this does not mean that your infant should be excluded from the check-in process; be sure to register them during ticketing and obtain a boarding pass so that they can be identified by airline staff.

In addition to being free, flying with an infant also has some other benefits. Many airlines allow parents of young children to board early so they have extra time before takeoff to get settled in with their babies. 

Finally, most airlines offer special discounts on baggage fees for families traveling with infants; this means that you won’t have to worry about incurring hefty charges if you need an extra bag or two of baby supplies.

Feel free to check out our blog for more information on traveling with an infant, international travel with infant, tips on flying with an infant and more.